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Lynne Image with Bike

Group Ex Fitness

A Blend of Experience and Expertise
Lynne brings over 30 years of experience in the field of movement and vitality to El Gancho. As a NASM certified personal trainer, a 500-hour yoga therapeutic specialist, and a studio cycle instructor, Lynne’s approach is rooted in the understanding that no two bodies are alike. Her expertise lies in using therapeutic exercise to help students and clients alleviate pain and enhance their wellness.

Inclusive and Personalized Approach
In her classes, Lynne is exceptionally attentive, offering variations to ensure that every participant feels capable, safe, and successful. Whether guiding a dynamic cycling session or leading a restorative yoga class, Lynne tailors her instruction to meet the unique needs of each student, influenced by their occupation, anatomical variations, past experiences, and even personal beliefs.

Philosophy Statement:

“Whether it’s working with clients or teaching group yoga classes, my belief is that not all human bodies work in exactly the same way. I strive to understand my students’ unique needs to offer options that make their workouts or practices truly beneficial and personalized.”


Group Ex Fitness


Philosophy Statement:

While I have always been active, into sports and outdoor recreation, it wasn’t until 2016 that I wanted to make fitness my life. For many years I worked a sedentary job without much exercise and started to see at a young age the ill-effects of prolonged daily inactivity on my body. After quitting my job in March of 2015 I started studying fitness and yoga. I completed my yoga and personal training certification in the summer of 2016. The fall of 2016 I started working for a chiropractor helping his patients with post-rehab and range of motion exercises. A fitness routine of any kind should be paramount in anyone’s life. That’s why I decided to specialize in functional movement to help people move well, so that they can move often their entire lives.




Yoga Instructor

Loved and respected by her students for consistently guiding Yoga practice with attunement and compassion. A seasoned practitioner and teacher, Karina combines 13 years of advanced studies in Yoga Therapy, Psychology, Reiki and Chinese Medicine to deliver unique offerings in personal growth and holistic wellness.  Her classes live by the motto: “Come as you are, all of you is welcome here.”


Philosophy Statement:

I understand Yoga to be the integration of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms, which brings about true healing. By being present to what is and allowing ourselves to unfold, we may live a more authentic life of compassion and harmony.


L.Ac., DACM, Dipl.OM, E-RYT500, CIAYT


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Group Ex Fitness

Natalie has been in the fitness and wellness industry since 2004 and is passionate about helping others on their wellness journey. She is a trauma-informed fitness professional who believes deeply in physical activity for mental health, as well as physical health, seeing each person as an individual and as holistically as possible. She utilizes whatever movements each individual’s body is capable of, always finding a way to move safely and effectively. Natalie believes that mobility, core and joint strength, and stability and balance are key to injury prevention and the basis of furthering other movement and fitness techniques. She believes that form is extremely important for safe and effective movement, and that fitness should be enjoyable too, so finding movement techniques and fitness formats that are enjoyable make it so that it’s more sustainable.

Natalie has a Master’s in Wellness and Lifestyle Management, and carries many fitness and wellness certifications including personal training, pilates and an array of group exercise formats.


Tennis Professional

“Enjoy your tennis. The more sweat you put into practice the less pain you will feel in play! If you have a problem – get instruction. Practice, Practice, Practice. Remember – half the people lose in a day – tomorrow is a new day. Happy Tennis!”

Bo is a tennis veteran with more than 30 years experience in all facets of teaching, club maintenance and management. He has taught throughout the US, Europe and Mexico. Bo has been at El Gancho since 2009. A master tennis mechanic, his philosophy is to combine his passion for tennis with a methodized learning environment of fun and fitness. Bo works with juniors and adults of all levels and creates a lifelong love for the game.


  • United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA) Certified Tennis Professional


Group Ex Fitness

“Embracing the rhythm of life, I believe in the transformative power of dance and fitness. With a passion for movement and a commitment to well-being, I strive to create an inclusive, joyful space where individuals of all levels can dance, sweat, and celebrate their unique journey to a healthier, happier self. The philosophy is simple: Move your body, nourish your spirit, and let the music guide you to a more vibrant, energized life.”

Introducing our energetic Zumba instructor, Savanna Leyba! Savanna  loves to bring a dynamic ZUMBA class! Join her for a lively class full of fun, with a full-body workout that combines the joy of dance with some extra spice!


Amy Sayer Headshot

Group Ex Fitness

“My philosophy as a Pilates Instructor is a commitment to the health benefits that the Classical Work of Joseph and Clara Pilates developed, which at the time was called CONTROLOGY. Contrology is the complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit. I believe that learning to breathe properly, while strengthening that which is weak encourages uniform development of all muscles. This corrects posture, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind, and elevates the spirit. By following and building on a specific order of exercises, one can, with practice, attain greater overall health, flexibility, strength, balance, coordination and stamina.”

Amy Sayers specializes in teaching the Classical Pilates Method and has been professionally teaching in studios around Santa Fe as well as her home studio since 2004. In 2010, having just recovered from breast cancer treatment, Amy completed her diploma from The Pilates Center in Boulder, Colorado, (having previously studied with Colleen Glenn, Michele Larrson and Maya Aubrey). She has been trained in over 900 hours from this program that is approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, and long regarded as the Harvard of Pilates Teacher Training Programs. In addition, Amy holds a certification from The Pink Ribbon Program and works as a qualified Breast Cancer Exercise Specialist.
She has also worked as a professional massage therapist since 1989.
Amy’s other interests besides teaching are painting and writing. She currently lives in Santa Fe with her husband, daughter, two dogs and a cat.



Group Ex Fitness



I have been teaching Fitness Classes since 2009. I teach different formats from Zumba, Strength Training to Aqua fitness.

I became an instructor after I lost 50 lbs. I was in my 20’s and little did I know that after hiring a trainer and taking fitness classes that my life would change.  My goal is to help every member that crosses my path by motivating them and helping them to achieve their fitness goals.

My fitness philosophy:
I want my students to have a good time while they workout, I want them to feel good, happy and accomplished. Have fun and don’t be too hard on yourself while working out, give your maximum, love and enjoy it!


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Group Fitness Instructor




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Cycle Instructor